京都台北 舞踏旅情
台湾からはHu Chiaさん、京都からは今貂子さん、村上璃子さん、木原由実さん、そしてスペシャルなゲストに尺八奏者の上村風穴さんにご出演いただきます。
2024 in Kyoto and 2025 in Taipei, we will hold an artistic and cultural exchange between Japan and Taiwan through Butoh.
We are pleased to announce that we will have performances by Tenko Ima, Riko Murakami, and Yumi Kihara from Kyoto, Hu Chia from Taiwan, and a special guest, shakuhachi player Fuketsu Uemura.
We hope this event will be a place where artists from Kansai and Taiwan can interact with each other!
and hope to make this project a tour of Asian physicality throughout Asia in the future.
7/20 (土)
昼公演 13:30開場 14:00開演 アフタートークあり
夜公演 17:30開場 18:00開演 アフタートークあり
出演:Hu Chia(台湾)+上村風穴、今貂子、村上璃子+木原由実
「京都、台北、北海道 舞踏という旅」
登壇:Hu Chia、今貂子
7/21 (日)
講師:Hu Chia
問い合わせ:dance@conte-sapporo.com 08055910098(森嶋)
主催 CONTE Dance Production
共催 滅劇場、舞踏カンパニー 倚羅座
協力 今貂子舞踏研究所
Asia Butoh Network Cultural Exchange 2024-2025
Kyoto Taipei Butoh Trip
July 20 (Sat)
Matinee : Doors open 1:30 p.m. Performance begins 2:00 p.m.
Soirée : Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Performance begins at 6:00 p.m.
Adults 3,000 yen, Under 25 2,000 yen (limited to 35 people)
Performers: Hu Chia (Taiwan) + Fuketsu Uemura, Tenko Ima, Riko Murakami + Yumi Kihara
7/21 (Sun)
Kung Fu and qigong workshop (ho̍hkûn)
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Fee 3000yen
Venue: Ima Tenko Butoh Studio (13-1 Ukabe-cho, Higashi Kujo,Minami-ku, Kyoto City)
Tickets: Ticketme (online ticket) or to each performer
*You can switch between Japanese and English in the footer at the bottom of the website.
*Please contact us if you cannot purchase tickets.
Inquiries: dance@conte-sapporo.com
Organized by CONTE Dance Production
Co-sponsored by Miè Theatre, Butoh Company Kiraza
Cooperation by Ima Tenko Butoh Studio
CONTE Dance Production
森嶋 拓
I have seen the term “Asian (Oriental) physicality” to a certain extent in the course of my involvement in Butoh.
Certainly, I can understand it somehow. I felt it last year when I went to Marseille on an international exchange program for contemporary dance, and I felt it when I was surrounded by various Asian people in Hong Kong, where I lived when I was in junior high school. But maybe I just think I understand it.
So, I decided to use Butoh as an opportunity to feel it again.
Many of our predecessors have already established Butoh networks around the world. On the one hand, I wonder if it would be a good idea to start an Asian Butoh network now, but on the other hand, I also think it is good to have as many networks as possible, since there will inevitably be differences in compatibility, sensitivity, and direction between people.
In 2017, we hosted our first international Butoh festival in Sapporo, and when I was exposed to numerous Butoh works all at once, I thought to myself, “Butoh is a journey” I would like to make this project a journey through a wide variety of bodies from all over Asia by having us travel to different places and having the people who come to see the festival in those places also encounter the journey through the works.
CONTE Dance Production
Hiroshi Morishima
ワークショップについて / about workshop
Taiwan Crane Qigon Workshop
This workshop is dedicated to introducing participants to the fundamental knowledge and rich cultural significance of Crane Fist. Participants will practice its unique gentle movements, harmonizing breathing with spirit, to fully grasp the essence of Crane Fist.
We encourage participants to deeply experience the positive effects of Crane Fist on the mind and body through physical movement, enhancing personal health and well-being.
Venue : Ima Tenko Butoh Studio (13-1 Ukabe-cho, Higashi Kujo,Minami-ku, Kyoto City)
胡 嘉 Hu Chia
Hu Chiaは200年近い歴史を持つ武術である台湾の猴鶴双形気功の3代目継承者であり、アーティストでもある。
さらに、Hu Chiaは書道と現代アートを融合させ、複数の展覧会に参加してきた。
その中でHu Chiaはその芸術的キャリアをより豊かなものにし、作品を世界的に広め、芸術的視野を広げてきた。
全体として、彼のユニークな創造的アプローチと豊かな芸術的キャリアによって、Hu Chiaは社会的、文化的、歴史的テーマを深く考察し、表現することで、現代的な芸術的視点を体現している。
Hu. Chia is the third-generation descendant and artist of Taiwan’s Monkey-Crane Double Form Chuan Qigong, a martial arts form with a history of nearly two hundred years.
As the founder and artistic director of Miè Theatre, he uniquely combines this traditional martial arts with modern dance art, showcasing the resilience and vulnerability of life.
His work integrates resistance against fate with the pursuit of love and freedom, embodying the true spirit of selflessness in martial arts.
Additionally, Hu. Chia merges calligraphy with contemporary art, participating in multiple exhibitions.
His works explore traditional forms while incorporating contemporary social issues, demonstrating an open and diverse perspective.
With international performances and cultural exchanges in over twenty countries across Europe, the Americas, and Asia, Hu. Chia has enriched his artistic career, spreading his works globally and expanding his artistic horizons.
Overall, with his unique creative approach and rich artistic career, Hu. Chia embodies a contemporary artistic perspective, deeply contemplating and expressing social, cultural, and historical themes in pursuit of life, love, and freedom.
今貂子 IMA Tenko
舞踏家 振付家 今貂子舞踏研究所/舞踏カンパニー倚羅座主宰
’24年3月今貂子 飯名尚人共同制作作品「おんなのぼくしさん」アップデート公演開催(今貂子舞踏研究所)。
Butoh dancer,Choreographer
Artistic director of Butoh Company KIRAZA and Director of Ima Tenko Butoh Studio
Ima was borm in 1958 and studied Butoh from Isamu Osuga, who apprenticed with Tatsumi Hijikata,one of the founders of Butoh
1980, She participated in the founding of the Butoh group Byakkosha, In the Eighties, she was a core member of Byakkosha, one of the most acclaimed Butoh groups, and performed with distinct recognition both abroad and locally. She also designed and produced costumes for Byakkosha. With their breakup in 1994, she became an independent dancer.
1999, she started her own Butoh workshop.
2000, she gave birth to Butoh company Kiraza.
2005, her company conducted a tour of Europe, performing in Spain, France, and Germany, receiving success and acclaim in each country.
Every year since 2007 to 2016, they have been performing to sold-out houses at the historical Gojo Kaikan Theatre in Kyoto.
2016, began long-run performance of her solo work “Hisoku” at the Kyoto Butoh Kan Theater. a theater specializing in Butoh, and welcomed audiences from 68 countries around the world until the theatre shut down in March 2020 due to the pandemic of Covid-19.
2019,-KANREKI anniversary-Ima Tenko Butoh Performance “YAMI NO TSUYA” the at Pontocho Kaburenjo/Kyoto
2020, She become the first Butoh dancer to win the Award of Excellent at the 75th edition of the National Arts Festival by the Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan for Ima Tenko Butoh Performance “Diamond” at UrBANGUILD Kyoto
2021, Ima Tenko Butoh Performance “Love Tempest” at UrBANGUILD Kyoto
2022, Ima Tenko Butoh Performance “Comet” at UrBANGUILD Kyoto
2023, Kiraza Butoh Performance “Goblet of Lapiz lazuli” at UrBANGUILD Kyoto
2024, A Collaborated Work by Tenko Ima and naoto iina‘A female pastor’ update performance at Ima Tenko Butoh studio.
Limited not to just performing, in recent years she has been nurturing and coaching the next generation of Butoh dancers, producing many performers from her studio in Kyoto.
Through the exploration of the avant-garde form of Butoh, supported by the Shinto practice of Tamafuri, “reinvigorating the soul,” a practice seen at the heart of Japanese performing arts, She explores the frontiers of her own art and self.
村上 璃子 MURAKAMI Riko
他、伊藤高志氏の映像作品「最後の天使(2014)」(第61回オーバーハウゼン国際短編映画祭にて上映)や、オランダ人写真家Marco van Duybendijk氏の舞踏をテーマにした写真作品への出演、アムステルダム写真美術館および、ベルリンのアートスペースPankeにてパフォーマンスを行うなど、舞踏をベースに活動の幅を展開中。
Born in Wakayama Prefecture.
While a student at Ritsumeikan University’s Faculty of Film and New Media, she began studying at the workshop of butoh dancer IMA Tenko, and later joined the butoh company Kiraza. As a butoh dancer, she has performed in “Hanaikusa” (2012), “Uzume: The Power to Open a wind cave” (2014), “Robe of Dreams” (2016), “YAMI NO TSUYA” (2019), and “Goblet of Lapiz lazuli” (2023), among others. She made the choreography of “Goblet of Lapiz lazuli” with IMA Tenko.
She has also appeared in Takashi Ito’s experimental video work “The Last Angel (2014)” (screened at the 61st International Short Film Festival Oberhausen) and Dutch photographer Marco van Duybendijk’s butoh-themed photographic work, which she performed at the Amsterdam Museum of Photography and the Berlin art space ‘Panke’. She is currently expanding her butoh-based activities.
木原 由美 KIHARA Yumi
舞踏作品では2019年峠祐樹作品「Bang Bang Bang」に参加。
Born in Shizuoka Prefecture.
She began studying jazz dance at the age of 22 and has since studied modern and classical ballet, with an interest in the structure of the body.
For her Butoh work, she participated in “Bang Bang Bang”, a work by Yuki Touge in 2019.
Studied Butoh at the workshop of IMA Tenko since 2021, and joined the Butoh company Kiraza in the spring of 2024.
She stayed in Germany for a year from 2022 to 2023.
上村 風穴 UEMURA Fuketsu
上村 風穴
1945生 1969年、竹保流下尾竹仙に尺八の手解きを受け、1971年から竹保流二代目宗家酒井竹保の直門となる。
Jinashi Shakuhachi player. Born in 1945.
In 1969, he was taught the shakuhachi by SHIMOO Chikusen of the Chikuho-ryu, and in 1971 became a direct student of SAKAI Chikuho, the second generation headmaster of the Chikuho-ryu.
He has taught both classical and modern pieces handed down in the Chikuho-ryu style.
In 1982, he received the title of “Grand Master of Karyoken”.
He has performed not only with traditional Japanese music, but also with art, Butoh, and many other genres.
In addition to performing, he also makes Jinashi shakuhachi.
He now refrains from performing and focuses on dedication at shrines and temples with his jinashi kan (shakuhachi).
Currently, he is the president of Fuka Fuinkai, a member of Kyochiku Zenji Housaninkai, a member of Komusou Kenkyukai, a member of Myoukoukai, and a member of Myoan Kyoukai.
森嶋 拓 Hiroshi Morishima
CONTE Dance Production代表
「北海道舞踏フェスティバル」「Dance Exhibition Sapporo」などのフェスティバル、「ダンスに没頭する四日間」「サッポロコレオ振付家養成講座」などの人材育成、「飛生芸術祭 まち×ひと×アート」などのソーシャルアートプロジェクトなどを手掛ける。
Representative of CONTE Dance Production
Representative Director of RACKA Inc.
Performance Director of Tobiu Art Festival
In 2012, he launched CONTE-SAPPORO with freelance artists in Sapporo, Hokkaido.
As a producer, he is involved in a wide range of performing arts and arts festivals, focusing on contemporary dance and Butoh.
He has been involved in festivals such as “Hokkaido Butoh Festival” and “Dance Exhibition Sapporo,” human resource development such as “Four Days in Dance” and “Sapporo Choreo Choreographer Training Course,” and social art projects such as “Tobiu Art Festival: Town x People x Art.