マルセイユ在住の振付家アンドレス・ガルシア・マルティネス(Andrés García Martínez)が7月1日から約2週間ほど札幌に滞在し、北海道のダンサーである東海林靖志、Yoshinori Kikuzawa、音楽家の景井雅之と共に作品を作っていきます。
An exchange project between Sapporo and Marseille through contemporary dance has started.
Spanish choreographer Andrés García Martínez will stay in Sapporo for about two weeks from June 30 to create a dance piece with Hokkaido dancers Yasushi Shoji and Yoshinori Kikuzawa and musician Masayuki Kagei. They will create a dance piece.
The dance piece will be performed at a theater in Marseille in mid-October.
In addition, a new work by the duo Humming Earth Project (Akinori Suzuki and Shohei Yamaki) will be performed in Marseille in the form of a double bill.
We will also have a performance in Sapporo on July 14 and 15.
We would like to make it an interactive event where we will have a lot of time to talk with the audience after they have seen the work.
We would be happy if we could ask for the audience’s cooperation in improving these dance works.
We hope that this project will serve as a catalyst to facilitate the coming and going of various artists between Sapporo and Marseille.
1日目 Day 1 会場:Kotoni PATOS
2日目 Day 2 会場:Sola Art Retreat
主催 北海道コンテンポラリーダンス普及委員会
助成 Acción Cultural Española (AC/E)、Programme for the Internationalization of Spanish Culture
後援 在日フランス大使館/アンスティチュ・フランセ
協力 Sola Art Retreat、CONTE-SAPPORO Dance Center、NPO法人コンカリーニョ
“This project is supported in part by a grant from Acción Cultural Española (AC/E), a state agency.”